Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Alles um den VR-Motor (2.3 bis 3.6 und mehr).
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Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von mawrick »

Just did the timing chain on my 06 Passat V6 with the 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine.

However after I rotate 2x and try to fit the cam-plate again it wouldn't fit, the chain was tight as it should, the 16 links between the marks was ok, and timing marks seem to be ok.

I was able to manipulate the cam's into position with a spanner and the plate fit, but though I cold move the cam's quite a bit (some mm), and the chain was a bit loose again (shown in picture), I then took out the plate again and took out the slack in the chain again (moving the cams), and rotated 2 more times, still the timing marks seem to line up, but still have to rotate cam's a bit to get plate to fit.

Is this normal ?

Also as I was taking out the slack again before the second rotation can I have put it out of timing again by moving the cams, so they don't line up correctly between eachother, or am I safe as long as I was able to get the plate back in after second pair of rotation. I did position the cams towards exhaust side the first time I rotated before removing plate.

Any tips on how "spot on" this normally is would be appreciated as I don't have much experience timing these....:)

attached some images showing aprox how much the cam was out



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Registriert: 25.01.2006, 13:16

Re: Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von SubZeroXXL »

With 12V, the timing fits every two revolutions, with 24V it fits every four revolutions. This is due to the crooked ratios between the crankshaft, intermediate shaft and camshafts.

But I can't say exactly how much movement there should be if the timing is right.

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Registriert: 25.06.2024, 16:01

Re: Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von mawrick »

ok, if I where to check this again, would it be ok to position the engine on the timing marks on the cranks etc, take of the upper chain again and position the cams on the plate again and then reattach the upper chain - just to make sure I didn't move cams off from eachother......

(I know I am in the "ballpark" and not like 180 degrees out...) (I think it is actually fine, but wasn't aware that I might have to do more rotations to make it "line up")....
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Registriert: 25.01.2006, 13:16

Re: Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von SubZeroXXL »

Leaving the camshafts in, inserting the ruler and then removing the chain is dangerous. If you turn the engine now, the pistons could press against open valves. It would also be better to remove the camshafts during rotation.

Setting the timing is usually an annoying job.

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Registriert: 25.06.2024, 16:01

Re: Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von mawrick »

They have been in all the time, and was locked in position before I rotated (and I know it have not jumped a tooth), so it should be ok, but a bit unsure if there might be a diference between the cams due to adjusting the stretch back in chain, maybe I turned the exhaust more than the intake a small amount - but it's not like I'v done a rotation of the cams so they should sit pretty correct.

if that made sense....:)
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Registriert: 25.06.2024, 16:01

Re: Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von mawrick »

I did try to re-time it, but with much same result.

The cam plate won't fit 100% without me manipulating the cams a bit, the intake is close to going straight in, but exhaust a bit more "out":

video showing the plate after about 8 rotation of engine:

I noticed when I installed the cam adjusters that the exhaust cam adjuster will move a tiny bit back from it "rest" position, towards the exhaust side when the tensioner is installed, is this normal?

Also all the timing marks seem to be lining up, and the 16 links is also ok.

Should I be ok with this, or is it off due to something. I also noticed the chain wasn't 100% "tight" on either sides before I had rotated, but after rotation everything seem tight, the was only a small amount of slack in the chain before rotation.

Some images prior to turning:










The cams after I rotated engine 8x:



And the timing marks after rotating:




the marks on the cams also lines up, and there is 16 chain link connectors between those 2 spots.

Am I safe here, or should I be vary of anything wrong due to plate not going straight in ?
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Registriert: 17.09.2011, 17:57

Re: Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von Masel »

Its fine.

Note: There is no Oil Pressure on the Tensioner. Thats why it seems a bit loose
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Registriert: 25.06.2024, 16:01

Re: Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von mawrick »

Masel hat geschrieben: 01.07.2024, 05:24 Its fine.

Note: There is no Oil Pressure on the Tensioner. Thats why it seems a bit loose
thanks again, should I position the cams back to fit the plate and push them towards exhaust side on the plate again, or ok to leave them as they are now before starting up?.
Beiträge: 220
Registriert: 17.09.2011, 17:57

Re: Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von Masel »

Leave them as they are. Oilpressure will do it
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Registriert: 25.06.2024, 16:01

Re: Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von mawrick »

Finaly completed the chain's, everything seem to be running fine, and it doesn't throw any errors when doing a scan.
(Maybe a fint "rattle/knock" noise, but not 100% positive it haven't been there before - if anything I think it might come from the HPFP pump, have been thinking of taking out the bolt that push on the tentioner and re-prime it (if somehow air have been trapped in it - would it be safe to remove that bolt and just insert it again without the sidecovers off?) - I presume it won't move anything off even if I remove the bolt to re-prime it)

However I see these values when I run a diag on the 208/209 and 90/91 -would this be accepatable?


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Registriert: 25.06.2024, 16:01

Re: Normal that the cam is a *bit* out after rotation (doing timing chain) - 3.2 AXZ VR6 engine

Beitrag von mawrick »

Bash42 hat geschrieben: 17.09.2024, 16:42Looks fine
Sounds good, thnx :)
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