However after I rotate 2x and try to fit the cam-plate again it wouldn't fit, the chain was tight as it should, the 16 links between the marks was ok, and timing marks seem to be ok.
I was able to manipulate the cam's into position with a spanner and the plate fit, but though I cold move the cam's quite a bit (some mm), and the chain was a bit loose again (shown in picture), I then took out the plate again and took out the slack in the chain again (moving the cams), and rotated 2 more times, still the timing marks seem to line up, but still have to rotate cam's a bit to get plate to fit.
Is this normal ?
Also as I was taking out the slack again before the second rotation can I have put it out of timing again by moving the cams, so they don't line up correctly between eachother, or am I safe as long as I was able to get the plate back in after second pair of rotation. I did position the cams towards exhaust side the first time I rotated before removing plate.
Any tips on how "spot on" this normally is would be appreciated as I don't have much experience timing these....

attached some images showing aprox how much the cam was out