Engine must be at TDC as long as the timing mark on crank and plate fits in cam right?

Alles um den VR-Motor (2.3 bis 3.6 und mehr).
Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 25.06.2024, 16:01

Engine must be at TDC as long as the timing mark on crank and plate fits in cam right?

Beitrag von mawrick »

When I started the timing chain job I was under impression that as long as timing mark on the crank, and the plate for the cams fits the engine is in TDC, after I took of the chains I noticed the arrow on the intermediate gear was off by 180 degree, but also read somewhere that this only lines up every 4 rotations.

I hope I'v understood correct that the engine uses 2 rotation going from TDC and back to TDC ? (I just put the oil pump and HPFP in on the marks when I put on the new chains.

Just wanted to check too be 100% sure I couldn't have fu** up anything when I put it on what I belive to be TDC......

thanks again
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